My last weekend was very special, my parents went to the Madrid for see two musical: the lion king and the hole 2.
Me and my brother the weekend we slept in the house of my grandparents.
The saturday for the morning we went to collect the trophy of tennis,
the category cadets was second and the category junior was third. After
of this we went at the six o'clock, with francisco, carlos, alberto, my
brother, maria jose, laura escamilla and angela marchena. The more
important of the saturday the video of happy we are from brenes has got
1,550 visits, is amazing!
The next day, sunday, was the "rosario de la aurora" at the seven
o'clock, me and my friends went to the rosario de la aurora but the
mobile phone rang the alarm i want sleep more for this, i say was wrong
for the alergy, after my friends they were went to the burger for this i
dressed and i went, for the afternoon we play at volleyball and for the
nigth my parents arrived of Madrid.
You can see images of this weekend:
Pablo Grimaret 1ºQ